COVID-19 Information

This page will be updated with specific guidelines from Ontario Public Health as they are made available to us.  You can expect such things as:

Daily Screening:

    • Staff will self-screen each day and if any COVID symptoms are present will isolate, and be tested.
    • Campers will be required to self-screen with a parent each day at home before boarding the bus, and sing a form ensuring they do not have any COVID symptoms.  If any symptoms are present, they will be required to stay at home.
    • If any camper develops symptoms during the day while at camp, we will isolate them and ask that they be picked up by their parent/guardian (since they should not return to Chapleau on the bus).

Hand Washing

Hand washing will be part of our daily routine, using both soap/water and hand sanitizer.


Masking will be required, unless distanced outside, eating or swimming.  We are waiting for more direction in this area.  We ask that your child bring more than one mask to camp each day.


Kids will be split up into groups which will stick together during the day.


We will clean/sanitize high-touch services and bathrooms twice daily, or according to public health requirements. 

Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.