Kids Camp Information

This page has information about your child’s stay with us.  Please read the following so that you can be prepared for your week at kids camp!

Arrival & Departure

Our kids camp programs begin on Sunday at 3 p.m. and end on Saturday after breakfast at 9 a.m.

Check In

Camp officially starts at 3 PM on Sunday, and you can check in anytime between 1 PM and 3 PM on Sunday.  Start by visiting the office, and make sure you have any remaining payment ready when you enter.  You should also have your child’s “tuck money” (which is spent in the tuck shop on sweets and drinks during the week) with out when you check in.  

Check Out

Pick up is between 9 AM and 10 AM on Saturday.  We will have all of your child’s belongings ready to go when you arrive.  Just stop in at the office to sign them out, and collect any remaining tuck money they have.  We ask that you be on time for the pickup, as we are needing to prepare the camp for the next group of kids arriving!

What to Bring

To prepare for a week at camp, bring the following:


  • Jacket, sweaters, pants and boots for wet, cool weather
  • Shorts, t-shirts and running shoes for warm, dry weather
  • Undergarments and socks
  • Bug spray, flashlight and water bottle
  • Sleeping bag and pillow
  • Towel, washcloth, toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Modest bathing suit and sandals
  • Ball glove and fishing rod (if your child would like to do these activities)
  • A Bible (if you have one)


Some children develop homesickness while at camp, which is the distress caused by being away from home.  It can be evident from emotions like crying and sadness, but some children also experience physical symptoms like stomach aches and lack of appetite. We understand that each child is different and any child can be homesick while at camp.  We will work with you and your child to ensure that your child has a positive experience.  If your child experiences homesickness, we will call you and discuss what we have done to help them deal with it, and steps that we can take to lessen it.   Often, children can be distracted by the busyness of the camp schedule and are able to persevere through their time away from home.  There are other times however, when children are too distressed to stay and their guardians will need to come and pick them up.

As you consider whether your child is ready for a week away at overnight camp, here are some questions you can ask:

    • Has my child successfully slept over at a friend’s or relative’s home?
    • Is my child independent at dressing and washing ? 
    • Does my child like to try new things? 
    • Does my child want to go to overnight camp? 

If the answer is no for these questions, your child may experience homesickness while at camp.  Different children are ready at different ages, so don’t stress!  If they don’t feel ready this year, they may be ready next year.  


    Please check your child for lice before coming to camp.  Children will undergo a lice check upon arrival at girls camp.  If lice are found, we will contact the parent / guardian of the child and notify them that lice was found.  If it is in the capacity of the camp (depending on how many kids per week were found to have lice and if there is sufficient, knowledgable staff to treat the child), then a natural treatment will be offered.   The treatment consists of oiling the hair for 4 hours, followed by washing, conditioning, and combing.  All belongings will be heated to kill any live lice.  

    If the case is severe, or if the camp is unable to treat the case, then the child will be sent home to be treated.  The child may return if they are free of live lice.

    Before destruction a man's heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.