

Thank you for showing interest in registering at Wildwood Bible Camp.

Start your application today:

  1. Browse below to find your desired camp.
  2. Click “Apply Now” to download the appropriate form.
  3. Print and fill out your form.
  4. Mail your completed application with cheque or money order to the address indicated on the form!

Have questions before you apply?

Browse our FAQ page and make an informed decision!

Boys’/Girls’ Camps Registration Fees 

The fee for a week of Kids camp is $220.  The discount price (of $195) is available if payed in full by June 1, and is non-refundable. If you choose to pay after June 1 a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 must accompany the registration form. The balance of the fee ($195.00) is payable upon arrival at camp by cheque, money order or cash only (made out to “Wildwood Bible Camp”).  All taxes have been included in the fee.

Register for Boys' Camp

Boys’ Camp 1: Ages 8-10, June 29 – July 5
Boys’ Camp 2: Ages 11-15, July 6 – 12

Register for Girls' Camp

Girls’ Camp 1: Ages 8-10, July 13 – 19
Girls’ Camp 2: Ages 10-12, July 20 – 26
Girls’ Camp 3:  Ages 12-15, July 27 – August 2

Youth Camps Registration Fees 

The fee for the week of Youth Camp is $220.  The discount price (of $195) is available if payed in full by August 1, and is non-refundable. If you choose to pay after August 1 a non-refundable deposit of $50.00 must accompany the registration form. The balance of the fee ($170.00) is payable upon arrival at camp by cheque, money order or cash only (made out to “Wildwood Bible Camp”).  All taxes have been included in the fee.

Register for Youth Camp

16 and Up, August 17 – 23

Family Camp

Life is hectic, and the more we try to slow it down sometimes the faster it seems. Why not get away as a family to the beautiful woods of Northern Ontario? It’s a great opportunity to rest, relax a little bit and get to know each other a little bit better.

The Fees

Adult: $230.00*
6-13: $145.00
3-5: $110.00
0-2: Free
All fees include HST* Maximum age raised from 12 to 14.

Register for Family Camp

Family Camp 1: August 3 – 9
Family Camp 2: August 10 – 16

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.